Our gauges to monitor any type of cracks or distortion

To each type of crack corresponds a gauge to measure its evolution. Below are the gauges by category of crack type.

→ You can also directly download our catalogue and see the list of all our products.

→ You will also find a selection guide to help you select the right product.
fissure sur 1 axe

1 axis crack monitoring

Gauges for monitoring a crack on 1 axis in 1 same plane and in angles

fissure sur 2 axes

2 axis crack monitoring

Gauge for monitoring a crack on 2 axes of the same plane

utilisation du fissuromètre pour mesurer une fissure

Crack width measurement

Crack meter to measure the size of a crack in absolute value (without monitoring the evolution)

jauge 3D fissure

3 axes movement monitoring

Gauge for tracking any movements in the 3 axes in space



Gauge to measure horizontal or vertical misalignment

inclinaison mur

Inclination or distortion

Gauges for monitoring an inclination or deformation in the vertical or horizontal direction


Gauge for monitoring the deflection of a beam, the bending of a ceiling, or a structure

Wall spacing

Gauge for monitoring the distance of two walls several meters apart

Contenu de la pochette plus expert


Ready-to-use sets for experts with 3 G1 type gauges, 1 crackmeter and 1 pen

Vitromètre et pochette


Measures the thickness of single glazing and the air thickness of double glazing

Jauge triangulaire et pochette

Triangular gauge

Gauge to measure the space between two objects


All the accessories to fix, protect and install the gauges.